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Please recompile `net-tools' with newer kernel source or full configuration. AF NETROMAF X25AF AX25AF IPXIPv4 Group MembershipsInterface RefCnt Group--------------- ------ --------------------- Timer User Inode Äá?ðÄá?ðLâ?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðøâ?ðÄá?ð$ã?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ð0å?ð@ã?ð\ã?ðÄá?ðtã?ðÄá?ðÄá?ð ã?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ð¼ã?ðèã?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðä?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðÄá?ðTä?ðÄá?ð€ä?ð¬ä?ðØä?ðÄá?ðå?ð0å?ð€å?ðÄá?ðÄá?ð¬å?ðÄá?ðØå?ðôå?ð æ?ðÄá?ðLæ?ðTå?ðxæ?ð¤æ?ð(ä?ðÐæ?ðüæ?ðICMP input histogram:ICMP output histogram:ForwardingForwarding is %sDefaultTTLDefault TTL is %uInReceives%u total packets receivedInHdrErrors%u with invalid headersInAddrErrors%u with invalid addressesForwDatagrams%u forwardedInUnknownProtos%u with unknown protocolInDiscards%u incoming packets discardedInDelivers%u incoming packets deliveredOutRequests%u requests sent outOutDiscards%u outgoing packets droppedOutNoRoutes%u dropped because of missing routeReasmTimeout%u fragments dropped after timeoutReasmReqds%u reassemblies requiredReasmOKs%u packets reassembled okReasmFails%u packet reassembles failedFragOKs%u fragments received okFragFails%u fragments failedFragCreates%u fragments createdInMsgs%u ICMP messages receivedInErrors%u input ICMP message failed.InDestUnreachsdestination unreachable: %uInTimeExcdstimeout in transit: %uInParmProbswrong parameters: %uInSrcQuenchssource quenches: %uInRedirectsredirects: %uInEchosecho requests: %uInEchoRepsecho replies: %uInTimestampstimestamp request: %uInTimestampRepstimestamp reply: %uInAddrMasksaddress mask request: %uInAddrMaskRepsaddress mask replies: %uOutMsgs%u ICMP messages sentOutErrors%u ICMP messages failedOutDestUnreachsOutTimeExcdstime exceeded: %uOutParmProbsOutSrcQuenchssource quench: %uOutRedirectsredirect: %uOutEchosecho request: %uOutEchoRepsOutTimestampstimestamp requests: %uOutTimestampRepstimestamp replies: %uOutAddrMasksaddress mask requests: %uOutAddrMaskRepsRtoAlgorithmRTO algorithm is %sRtoMinRtoMaxMaxConnActiveOpens%u active connections openingsPassiveOpens%u passive connection openingsAttemptFails%u failed connection attemptsEstabResets%u connection resets receivedCurrEstab%u connections establishedInSegs%u segments receivedOutSegs%u segments send outRetransSegs%u segments retransmitedInErrs%u bad segments received.OutRsts%u resets sentInDatagrams%u packets receivedNoPorts%u packets to unknown port received.%u packet receive errorsOutDatagrams%u packets sentSyncookiesSent%u SYN cookies sentSyncookiesRecv%u SYN cookies receivedSyncookiesFailed%u invalid SYN cookies receivedEmbryonicRsts%u resets received for embryonic SYN_RECV socketsPruneCalled%u packets pruned from receive queue because of socket buffer overrunRcvPruned%u packets pruned from receive queueOfoPruned%u packets dropped from out-of-order queue because of socket buffer overrunOutOfWindowIcmps%u ICMP packets dropped because they were out-of-windowLockDroppedIcmps%u ICMP packets dropped because socket was lockedTW%u TCP sockets finished time wait in fast timerTWRecycled%u time wait sockets recycled by time stampTWKilled%u TCP sockets finished time wait in slow timerPAWSPassive%u passive connections rejected because of time stampPAWSActive%u active connections rejected because of time stampPAWSEstab%u packets rejects in established connections because of timestampDelayedACKs%u delayed acks sentDelayedACKLocked%u delayed acks further delayed because of locked socketDelayedACKLostQuick ack mode was activated %u timesListenOverflows%u times the listen queue of a socket overflowedListenDrops%u SYNs to LISTEN sockets ignoredTCPPrequeued%u packets directly queued to recvmsg prequeue.TCPDirectCopyFromBacklog%u packets directly received from backlogTCPDirectCopyFromPrequeue%u packets directly received from prequeueTCPPrequeueDropped%u packets dropped from prequeueTCPHPHits%u packets header predictedTCPHPHitsToUser%u packets header predicted and directly queued to userSockMallocOOMRan %u times out of system memory during packet sendingIpIcmpTcpUdpTcpExt%*s%s enableddisabled%*s%s: %d ˜ö?ðŒö?ðX÷?ð”÷?ð”÷?ðÀö?ð%s: unknown %s error parsing /proc/net/snmpr/proc/net/snmp/proc/net/netstatcannot open /proc/net/snmpax25ipinetip6inet6ipxappletalkddpnetromunixtcpipeconetecx25ashUNSPECUNIX DomainDARPA InternetPlease don't supply more than one address family. Unknown address family `%s'. ,Too much address family arguments. %s (%s) ..No routing for address family `%s'. Address family `%s' not supported. default*[NONE SET]/%dinetnetstattcpudpraw%s%d/proc/net/routerKernel IP routing table%16sGatewayDestination%XFlagsUseRefCntMaskMetricMTU%d%128sWindowIRTTIface%-15s %-15s %-15s %-5s %-6d %-3d %6d %-6.6s %-5d %-6d %d %-15s - %-15s %-5s %-6d - %7d - - - - %-15s - %-15s %-5s - - - - %-15s %-15s %-15s %-5s %5d %-5d %6d %s %-15s - %-15s %-5s %-6d - %7d - %-15s %-15s %-15s %-5s %-6d %-2d %7d %s niwulpfceoadMDRHGUDestination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use Iface MSS Window irttDestination Gateway Genmask Flags MSS Window irtt IfaceDestination Gateway Genmask Flags Metric Ref Use IfaceINET (IPv4) not configured in this system./proc/net/rt_cacheTOSHHRefHHUptodSpecDstHHARPKernel IP routing cacheERROR: proc_guess_fmt(%s,... returned: %d %-15s %-15s %-15s %-5s %-6d %-3d %6d %-6.6s %-5d %-6d %-5d %-3d %-3d %-3d %15s %-15s %-15s %-15s %-5s %-6d %-3d %6d %-6.6s %-5d %-6d %-5d %-3d %d #mbNdNsqt-SourceSource Destination Gateway Flags Metric Ref Use Iface MSS Window irtt TOS HHRef HHUptod SpecDstSource Destination Gateway Flags Metric Ref Use Iface MSS Window irtt HH ArpSource Destination Gateway Flags MSS Window irtt IfaceSource Destination Gateway Flags Metric Ref Use Ifaceunknown10base2bnccoax10baseTutptpeAUIthickdb15100baseT100baseTX100baseFXSIOCGIFCONFwarning: no inet socket available: %s compressedbytes%llu %lu %lu %lu %lu %llu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu%llu %llu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %llu %llu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu%llu %llu %lu %lu %lu %lu %llu %llu %lu %lu %lu %lu %lu/proc/net/devrWarning: cannot open %s (%s). Limited output. Device not found%s: error fetching interface information: %s %-5.5s %5d %3d%8llu %6lu %6lu %6lu%8llu %6lu %6lu %6lu [NO FLAGS]%-56s - no statistics available -b%-9.9s Link encap:%s MTU:%d Metric:%d Outfill:%d Keepalive:%dDMA chan:%x Memory:%lx-%lx Base address:0x%x Interrupt:%d RX packets:%llu errors:%lu dropped:%lu overruns:%lu frame:%lu MbTX packets:%llu errors:%lu dropped:%lu overruns:%lu carrier:%lu collisions:%lu txqueuelen:%d RX bytes:%llu (%lu.%lu %s) TX bytes:%llu (%lu.%lu %s) compressed:%lu Kb compressed:%lu DYNAMIC MULTICAST MASTER SLAVE ALLMULTI PROMISC NOARP RUNNING NOTRAILERS POINTOPOINT LOOPBACK DEBUG BROADCAST UP [NO FLAGS] %s addr:%s Mask:%s Bcast:%s P-t-P:%s Media:%s(auto)HWaddr %s %-4s%3ld:%02ld.%02ld %10lu %5hd %5hd %-20s %s -> %s (%s) %10lu %5hd - %s %lX:%hX %lX:%hX %hX %lX %hd %hd %luTCPtcpUDPudpICMPicmpGREgreESPesp%s: Internal Error `%s'. masq_info.cip_masquerade unknown typeip_masquerade format error %s %lX:%hX %lX:%hX %hX %lX %hd %lu/proc/net/ip_masqueraderinet%s: feature `%s' not supported. Please recompile `net-tools' with newer kernel source or full configuration. masq_infoAF INETPDeltarealloc() failedIP masquerading entriesprot expire source destination portsprot expire initseq delta prevd source destination portsmalloc() failed%s: no support for `%s' on this system. netstatip_masquerade | %*swarning: %s does not contain required field %s No usable address families found. /proc/net%02X-[NONE SET]unix/proc/net/unixunspecout of virtual memory %d.%d.%dLocal LoopbackUNSPECSerial Line IPVJ Serial Line IP6-bit Serial Line IPVJ 6-bit Serial Line IPAdaptive Serial Line IPEthernetIPIP TunnelPoint-to-Point Protocol %s (%s) ..%02X-unspecloopYou cannot start PPP with this program. pppslipcslipslip6cslip6adaptivetunnel%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02X:%02Xether; œ¾à³ÿÿ¸œ¾8´ÿÿÜœ¾p¼ÿÿ¾Ô¼ÿÿ,¾X @6A,7A<7AX7A´8A¸8AÄ8AÐ8AÜ8Aè8Aô8A9A9A9A 9A(9A,EA4EA8EA