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This packet repeater (currently designed for udp packets) will listen for broadcast packets. When it receives the packets, it will then re-broadcast the packet. Usage: %s [options], where options are: [-d] [--daemon] Run as daemon. [-h] [--help] Displays this help message. [-i] [--incoming ] Defines from which interface broadcasts will be relayed. [-n] [--nolog] No logging/tracing to /var/log/messages. [-o] [--outgoing ] Defines to which interface broadcasts will be relayed. [-s] [--ipsec ] Defines an ipsec tunnel to be relayed to. Since ipsec tunnels terminate on the same interface, we need to define the broadcast address of the other end-point of the tunnel. This is done as ipsec0:x.x.x.255 [-v] [--version] Displays the BCrelay version number. Log messages and debugging go to syslog as DAEMON. Interfaces can be specified as regexpressions, ie. ppp[0-9]+ BCrelay v%s nologdaemonhelpincomingoutgoingipsecversionbcrelayndhi:o:s:vndhiosvipsec[0-9]+:[0-9]+.[0-9]+.[0-9]+.255Bad syntax: %s Bad syntax: %s Incoming interface required!%s|%s/dev/nullrRunning as child Listen-mode or outgoing or IPsec interface required!0‘?ð`“?ð`“?ð`“?ðP‘?ð¤‘?ð`“?ð`“?ð`“?ð`“?ð‘?ðÔ‘?ð`“?ð`“?ð`“?ð’?ð`“?ð`“?ð”“?ðInitial active interfaces: %s %sActive interface set changed to: active interface number: %d, if=(%s), sock_nr=%d Active interface set changed --> displaying current active interfaces.. Closing an interface (it disappeared), namely: (s_nr=%d, ifidx=%d) mainloop: Error, socket error! (rv=%d, errno=%d)no_discifs_cntr became 0, rediscover interfaces is NOT an UDP BROADCAST (with TTL!=1 and UDP_CHKSUM!=0) UDP_BroadCast(sp=%d,dp=%d) from: %s relayed to: Successfully relayed %d bytes ignored ENOBUFS from sendto(), temporary shortage of buffer memorymainloop: Error, sendto failed! (rv=%d, errno=%d)ignored ENXIO from sendto(), a network interface went down?ignored ENETDOWN from sendto(), a network interface was going down?Going to sent UDP Broadcast on interface: %s, sock_nr=%d is an UDP BROADCAST (dstPort=%d, srcPort=%d) (with TTL!=1 and UDP_CHKSUM!=0) IP_Packet=(tot_len=%d, id=%02x%02x, ttl=%d, prot=%s, src_ip=%d.%d.%d.%d, dst_ip=%d.%d.%d.%d) (on if: %d/%d) Select timeout, rediscover interfaces Error, select error! (rv=%d, errno=%d)Displaying INITIAL active interfaces.. %s: Error creating socketdiscoverActiveInterfaces: Error, SIOCGIFDSTADDR Failed! (errno=%d)discoverActiveInterfaces: Error, SIOCGIFADDR Failed! (errno=%d)discoverActiveInterfaces: Error, SIOCGIFFLAGS Failed! (errno=%d)TCPICMP???UDPGREindex=%d, ifname=%s, ifaddr=%ld.%ld.%ld.%ld, ifdstaddr=%ld.%ld.%ld.%ld, flags1=0x%04lx%s(%d/%d/%d)bind_to_iface: Error, bind failed! (rv=-1, errno=%d)´ C@xG@€G@ˆG@G@œG@¨G@°G@ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿ€@ð @à @eÐ @À @° @  @ @€ @p @` @ˆ3@äP @ÀB@@ @0 @ @ @ @ð @h<@à @Ð @À @° @  @ @Ü€ @p @¬@` @P @p@ @0 @=@ @ @ @GCC: (GNU) 3.2.3 with Broadcom modificationsGCC: (GNU) 3.2.3 with Broadcom modificationsGCC: (GNU) 3.2.3 with Broadcom modificationsGCC: (GNU) 3.2.3 with Broadcom modificationsGCC: (GNU) 3.2.3 with Broadcom modifications¬@üÿÿÿ ÀB@üÿÿÿ € @øÿÿÿ(@üÿÿÿ €@?üÿÿÿh”@ÿÐøÿÿÿHˆ3@ÿÐøÿÿÿ°h<@=@øÿÿÿ(ˆ=@0>@øÿÿÿP ?@øÿÿÿ(„?@øÿÿÿ0@@üÿÿÿH0A@„A@¬@ÀB@.shstrtab.interp.reginfo.dynamic.hash.dynsym.dynstr.init.text.fini.rodata.data.rld_map.eh_frame.ctors.dtors.jcr.got.sbss.bss.comment.pdr.mdebug.abi32 ô@ôp@ @ À%à@àx+ X@Xp3È@Èä;¬@¬|A0 @0 9GÀB@ÀBXM C@ Cà UP [  Pd¤¤Pn¨¨Pu°°P|¸¸PÀÀPÀ†€€QŒ€€QàW‘€QæšhR@Ÿ¨T¨T­